
When grief is shared, it feels less lonely.


Timed to coincide with Children’s Grief Awareness week in November, the Kenzie’s Gift #DearGrief campaign has involved many different activities. It began with two young tāne who lost their siblings, my son Conor and Luka Wolfgram, sharing their grief journey through short films which resulted in nationwide TV coverage.

Most recently, it involved a #DearGrief photography exhibition in central Tāmaki Makaurau and the display of a message of support from HRH The Duke of Cambridge. You can see this on the Kenzie’s Gift website.

Like too many Kiwis, my whānau and I, including my son Conor, know that grief leaves a lasting imprint on your life which is carried your entire life. But by talking about grief and normalising it, we can begin to navigate and process it.

That’s why I set up #DearGrief in 20XX as a grief awareness campaign. #DearGrief is about sharing what you would like to say to grief and the different ways we deal with it.

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